Thursday, May 22, 2014

My answer to performance-based pay

     Recent news reports of pay tied to test scores has troubled me greatly. In my short career, I have had many opportunities to reflect upon the reasons why I am an educator, what makes me an effective educator, and how I go about doing what I do. When I write about these things, test scores are rarely mentioned. You know what is mentioned? The kids who give us that little smile a kid gives us when we make a connection with them, the excitement we infuse into our students with an excellent lesson, or the passion behind why we do what we do. Do I want my kids to do well on their tests? Absolutely. And, you bet that many do perform well. Some don’t, though. And some don’t even grow, unfortunately…some regress. I believe in accountability; we have to have it. People that aren’t in the trenches with us, pouring our hearts out, using all our mental energy until we are brain dead at the end of the day don’t understand this battle. But, they still try to find a way to measure our performance; with a score, of course. I get it. America is in trouble. Our educational system is in trouble. But, I have a secret for you...I am going to whisper this to you, because nobody knows this yet… society plays a part in that, too and parenting plays an even bigger part. Teachers are trying our best to compensate for those voids and flaws, in addition to the other duties we’re expected to fulfill. I have been asked many times about the best ways to measure a teacher’s performance, and I’ve given what I thought to be fair answers. But, tonight, I finally have the RIGHT answer.

What we do is immeasurable.
You can’t measure care.
You can’t measure love.
You can’t measure passion.

You can attach scores to our names if it makes you feel better, but I will keep doing what I intended to do when I accepted my purpose, and that’s loving people through education.